“Phishing” is a form of Internet fraud that aims to steal valuable information such as credit cards, social security numbers, user IDs and passwords and other sensitive informations.
Hackers are everywhere. Some copied the codes of any networking sites then if you unfortunately log-in into it, they will have the chance to steal the password that you have entered. So be careful about phshing sites. Recently facebook notice someone phishing their sites and they are taking action againts this kind of phishers.
What if we users cant detect this type of sites? hmmm what should we do?. Their target recently is facebook site since they know that there are lots or users and playing farmville and farmtown, etc. I saw this site provide an example of phishing site asking to log-in again before you can view the site. If anyone detect a such we will join the fight againts to it. Its better if we notice suspicious changes in our account or if someone if posting in our walls section that does not belong to our list of friends or if we know that we dont subscribe to that particular link, we need to change immediately our password so they can no longer access into it. I hope this would help.
Check Facebook Phishing Scam Awareness. I have read that some are sending to email and saying that the account has expired and need to renew it and after entering the password the hacker been successfully stealed the info.
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